Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My husband the soup maker

My husband has always been a pretty good cook.  When we first got married (nearly 13 years) he did all the cooking!  But when we started having babies... and I was at home all day with our newborn son... Jon posed the question.  THE question.  Wouldn't it make more sense for me to cook supper, since I'm home all day?  Hmph.

Well, I did end up taking over the helm in the kitchen—albeit reluctantly at first—and I must say I've learned a lot in the 8 years that I've been "head chef"—and my cooking skills have become "not too shabby" in my book!  I even kind of like it!

Now that Jon is home all the time (due to a layoff) he occasionally assists me with meal prep.  And this man makes some amazing soup! 

Just look at that!  Chicken and rice soup—waaaay better than the stuff from a can!  He even made his own chicken stock from the leftover bones of a rotisserie chicken!  Just had to brag on my man. :)

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