Man, the enemy is just relentless. He keeps hammering me with doubts of God's love, and it cuts me to the core. I have been teary-eyed all morning... and it's been kind of hard keeping it together while trying to effectively mother two very busy little boys.
After I dropped Brandon off at preschool, I set Ryan up with a video downstairs and I headed to the stereo, where I could privately sing at the top of my lungs—a way to release some of my emotions. There, God led me to a Sara Groves song called, "You Cannot Lose My Love." That broke the dam of my tears...
You will lose your baby teeth
At time you'll lose your faith in Me
You will lose a lot of things
But you cannot lose My love
You may lose your appetite
Your guiding sense of wrong and right
You may lose your will to fight
But you cannot lose My love
You will lose your confidence
In times of trial, your common sense
You may lose your innocence
But you cannot lose My love
Many things can be misplaced
Your very memories be erased
No matter what the time or space
You cannot lose My love
You cannot lose My love
Romans 8:38-39 says
nothing can separate us from the love of God. NOTHING!! I don't exactly know why I have such a hard time believing that God could love me. Maybe because I see all too clearly what a big fat sinner I am. But He already knew that information when
He died for me while I was still a sinner (Romans 5:8).
Another verse I was just pondering, 1 John 3:1...
See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! This means: 1) I am loved by God, and 2) I am God's daughter! I'll have to really try to soak that in today...
Thanks for letting me share... I hope this helps someone else out there too...