Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Impending snow storm

Well, it seems inevitable now.... the National Weather Service is making the winter storm warning official, effective at 9:00 tonight. On they stated, "The winter storm expected for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day could rival the largest two day snowfall for the holiday of 11.3" set back in 1945."

While a big dumping of snow seems so festive—"just in time for the holidays!"—it will prevent my parents from being able to travel to our house for Christmas. This is fairly disappointing to me...we always spend Christmas Eve with my folks. It'll just seem weird to celebrate without them. :(

But the one thing that gives me peace is the realization of God's sovereignty. I keep thinking that if there is just one life He wants to save by preventing traveling, He would do it... or if there was just one person who would find Him because of the storm, He would do it. That's our great God!—so mighty and powerful that He controls the weather—and yet so personal that He cares for each individual person.

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