Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diligence contributes to a "fat soul"

This little blurb is written by one of our pastors, Brent Knox—an excerpt from “In Case of 'Work Avoidance Syndrome'...” which I found to be insightful when applied to mothering...

Think about this Proverb, “The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is made fat” (Proverbs 13:4, NAS). Do you notice the difference between the soul of the sluggard and the soul of the diligent? Do you want a soul that is fat? Do you want a rich, inward life? Being diligent contributes to a rich, inward life. Working hard is a blessing, not a curse. Besides, God worked and is still working. He worked for six days creating the world. And Jesus said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working” (John 5:17, NIV). So, it is godly to work...

I confess, sometimes I want life to be all about my needs, my desires, my convenience... but this reminds me that working hard and being diligent in my roles as a mother and a wife “contributes to a rich inward life.” I want to have a “fat soul!” PLUS, Jesus said, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for Me, you will find it” (Matthew 10:39, NLT).


Karen Hossink said...

Ah, yes! Hard work can be wonderful, indeed. The fruits of our labors are sweet to enjoy. :o)
As long as we also take time to rest. Cuz if I'm only working and never resting? I can get rather, uh, irritable. *wink*

Sara K. said...

Ditto, Karen! (You are funny!) My trouble is wanting rest at inappropriate intervals. :) You are right, though -- one cannot just run run run all the time... there must be time for rest and refreshment! :)

Chris said...

"A fat soul" - I love it!

And also remember, that as your boys get a little older, the on-call every second of the day begins to get a bit less all-consuming. I'm still busy, but not as drained as I used to be (yay!), at least on days that I'm feeling well.

Sara K. said...

Good reminder, Chris -- I am looking forward to that! :) Although I know I'll miss the sweet toddler stage Ryan is at right now...