Saturday, January 19, 2013

Don't just take a break—get revived!

I lie in the dust, completely discouraged;
     revive me by Your Word.
-Psalm 119:25

Yesterday was a hard day. I'll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say my discouragement related to parenting. After supper my husband suggested I take some time by myself to get refreshed—so I headed back to our bedroom, laptop in hand.  While he put the boys to bed, I spent some time laughing at bloopers from a favorite TV show on YouTube and felt the heaviness of the day slip away.

But when I woke up this morning, the heaviness was there again.  What happened?  I had not actually received refreshment the previous evening—I had merely taken a break and escaped from reality for an hour or two.

Psalm 119:25 (above) tells us it is God's Word that revives us!  And David proclaims in Psalm 19:7, "The teachings of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul."  Oh boy, did my soul need reviving and refreshing this morning!

So, assured of His glad welcome (Eph 3:12), I met with the Lord this morning and received the refreshment my soul needed.  God is good!

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